To Set:
7) in your code use NSLocalizedString(@"TEST", @"test") where the first arg is the string and the second arg is the description (optional can be nil)
1) Create strings file
2) call it "Localizable.strings"
7) in your code use NSLocalizedString(@"TEST", @"test") where the first arg is the string and the second arg is the description (optional can be nil)
1) Create strings file
3) fill the localizable.string with all the english terms you use in the app "TEST" = "TEST";
4) file inspector "Make Localized"
5) + add localization you want
6) add only the localizable.strings file to the list
8) translate and smile
To Test:
1) go into the current Scheme
2) goto arguments
3) add "-AppleLanguages (Russian)" without quotes
4) click on and off to test the various languages and smile
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